Cosmetic Dentistry

San Jose, CA Cosmetic Dentistry Services

What is Cosmetic Dentistry? 

young black girl in swimsuit smiling near pool with nice teeth, cosmetic dentistry in San Jose, CA

Years ago, you didn’t have many choices when it came to fixing your teeth, and you only went to the dentist if you had a problem. Back then, tooth removal was common, along with large, unsightly metal fillings. Now dentistry has become an art, the art of cosmetic dentistry. Cosmetic dental procedures are completed mainly to make you and your smile look better. 

You should see someone who specializes in cosmetic dental procedures like the professionals at Dentistry for Health in San Jose, CA. They can help you and your smile look great. They know that everyone has different goals when it comes to how they improve their smiles. Whether you want to make small alterations or serious transformations, they can help. 

Some of the cosmetic services offered to make over your smile include:

Dental Bonding

You’ll be happy to hear that not all cosmetic issues require intensive cosmetic dentistry. This non-invasive technique involves using a tooth-colored resin (the same material used to fill a cavity) to mask small imperfections such as stains, cracks, chips and even gaps between teeth.

The resin is applied, shaped and trimmed, and then hardened into place with a dental laser. Bonding doesn’t require anesthesia, drilling or other invasive techniques and can often be performed during your next dental cleaning.

Dental Veneers

Sometimes discolorations, minor misalignments or cosmetic damage are a bit too difficult for bonding or teeth whitening to handle alone. If you have multiple aesthetic issues you want to address then your smile could benefit from what dental veneers have to offer.

These custom-made, tooth-colored porcelain shells are restorations that are bonded to the front of your teeth to change the alignment, shape, size or color of one or more teeth. Dental veneers are created in a dental laboratory by skilled technicians and then cemented. The result is a sparkling, natural and beautiful smile. If you want that Hollywood smile then veneers may just be the best option for you.

Teeth Whitening

before and after results teeth whitening, San Jose, CA cosmetic dentistry

If you want to brighten your smile and remove years of stains then professional teeth whitening can give you the brilliant results you deserve. Whether you are planning your wedding or just looking to give yourself a little makeover, Dr. David Jou, DDS can achieve a visibly whiter smile in often just one chairside whitening session. If you are dealing with stains caused by aging, smoking, foods or drinks, then professional teeth whitening might be right for you. 

Dentistry for Health offers both an in-office whitening treatment, which takes about an hour, and whitening kits to take home, which you can use at your convenience in the privacy of your home.

Tooth Colored Fillings

Composite is also the material of choice for cosmetically beautiful fillings. Composite is color-matched to your existing teeth and your new composite fillings will be virtually undetectable. Composites can be used to replace unsightly metal fillings and they can correct teeth that are:

  • Badly shaped
  • Excessively discolored
  • Poorly aligned

Come and visit the professionals at Dentistry for Health in San Jose, CA and discover the world of
cosmetic dentistry. Make your smile more beautiful and call today at (408) 926-2331!

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9:00 am-5:30 pm



